Archiwa Animal Breeding - Dramiński

Dramiński S.A.

Modern technology
with respect for tradition


Ovarian acyclicity and dysfunction

Ovarian acyclicity is one of the most common reproductive disorders in dairy cows, which consists in complete or partial inhibition of the ovarian activity, including the processes of follicle formation and growth, which are necessary for normal insemination. In high-performance herds, acyclicity should be a sporadic problem. When the number of the affected cows is […]

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The cow’s normal reproductive cycle and ovarian anatomy

Ovarian anatomy The cow’s two ovaries are located in the abdominal cavity, next to the kidneys. They are responsible for the production of eggs (oocytes) and sex hormones, including oestrogens and progesterone. The ovaries consist of two main parts: 1. the cortex – the outer layer where follicles develop; the follicles contain immature eggs (oocytes) […]

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Today, it is impossible to imagine managing the reproduction and breeding of dairy cows without the introduction of hormonal programmes. Hormonal control of reproduction offers numerous benefits, the most important of which are: 1) Easier farm management – The farmer knows when breeding will occur or when preventive measures, such as vaccinations, will take place. […]

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Through the eyes of a veterinarian: HEIFERS

Heifers are growing animals aged between 6 months and 18-24 months, until their first calving. Just like calves, they are the future of every farm, but often after weaning, they are treated as secondary, while this group, in the phase of intensive growth, deserves equal attention. Do we realise that heifers are the potential for […]

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Timing is Everything

The Importance of Profilling in Bovine Artificial Insemination (AI) Imagine this: a single missed moment can determine whether an entire breeding program succeeds or fails. That’s the reality of bovine artificial insemination ; a field where precision and timing mean everything. A moment too early or too late and the months of planning is wasted. […]

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Through the eyes of a veterinarian: CALVES

Is the physician responsible for checking the condition of calves? Considering this topic in more detail, I believe a large part of this responsibility should fall on the zootechnician or the staff, but the proverbial “dotting of the i’s and crossing of the t’s” should always be done by the veterinarian.  In my practice, the […]

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