OPU System

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Ovum Pick Up System

System for ultrasound-guided Ovum Pick Up procedure

Precyzyjny ultrasonograf Dramiński OVUM PICK UP do zastosowań w reprodukcji zwierząt
Precyzyjny ultrasonograf Dramiński OVUM PICK UP do zastosowań w reprodukcji zwierząt
Weterynaryjny Dramiński OVUM PICK UP - narzędzie do efektywnego pobierania oocytów
Profesjonalny zestaw Dramiński OVUM PICK UP do pobierania oocytów u bydła
Dramiński OVUM PICK UP - sprzęt weterynaryjny do zaawansowanej reprodukcji
Urządzenie Dramiński OVUM PICK UP używane do pobierania oocytów
Ultrasonograf Dramiński OVUM PICK UP do precyzyjnego pobierania komórek jajowych
Sprzęt Dramiński OVUM PICK UP - zaawansowana pomoc w hodowli bydła
Sprzęt Dramiński OVUM PICK UP - zaawansowana pomoc w hodowli bydła
Precyzyjny ultrasonograf Dramiński OVUM PICK UP do zastosowań w reprodukcji zwierząt
Urządzenie weterynaryjne Dramiński OVUM PICK UP do procedur in vitro
Weterynaryjny Dramiński OVUM PICK UP - narzędzie do efektywnego pobierania oocytów
Dramiński OVUM PICK UP - sonda do pobierania komórek jajowych

Few words about the Ovum Pick Up (OPU).

This is one of fastest developing assisted reproduction techniques. It helps in improving the genetic value of the herd. It is performed on highest genetic value donors in order to increase the number of offspring per year. During the procedure, operator is using the OPU guide for ovum retrieval from the ovary under the ultrasound guidance. The quality of the oocytes is assessed under the microscope. Best cells are chosen for in-vitro fertilization. After few days the embryos are transferred to the recipients. The procedure is considered safe and can be repeated many times.

Ultrasonograf Dramiński OVUM PICK UP do precyzyjnego pobierania komórek jajowych
Dramiński OVUM PICK UP - sprzęt weterynaryjny do zaawansowanej reprodukcji

Would you like to start with Ovum Pick Up?

We prepared trainings offer with specialists in equine and bovine assisted reproduction. You will learn the technique and how to set up the OPU stations. Our experts will explain you the details on the ultrasound as well as laboratory part. We cooperate with leading companies which supply vacuum pumps, disposables and laboratory equipment. We cover Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and Ocenia.

Multipurpose Draminski OPU guide

Why choose the OPU system?


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Compatible with various types of needles, from 20G injection needles to 12G double-lumen needles, as well as with a full range of tubing and tubes necessary for the material collection process.

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Made from lightweight and easy-to-clean plastic.

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Quick to assemble and disassemble.

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Wide Field of View

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The field of view of the microconvex ultrasound probe is 136 degrees.

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Do you have a question or would you like to buy this product? Contact us, our advisor is at your disposal.
Technical data
Dramiński OVUM PICK UP - nowoczesna technologia w diagnostyce reprodukcyjnej

Essential work kit:

  • OPU handle
  • Guides for bovine needles and double-lumen needles
  • Tip for conventional needle with line connector
  • Tip with line safety lock for OPU needle with Luer connection
  • Tip for OPU needle with thread
  • Needle path stabilizers for bovine needles and for double-lumen needles
  • 6 cross-head screws, PH-1 screw driver and allen key (for Draminski OPU guide only)